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28 Day Transformation Challenge
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Now It's YOUR TURN to Transform Your Body in Just 28 Short Days, Even With a 'Slower' Metabolism or 'Old' Injuries... Even if You Are a Complete Beginner
No Magic Pills or Endless Hours on the Treadmill - Just Efficient Workouts, a Simple Eating Plan, and the Results You Deserve
Starts this Monday
Only 10 Spots
Time Left To Register
Feeling a Little Extra 'Fluffy'?
Can you relate to this...?

You went out with family or friends this past weekend and probably enjoyed yourself a bit much. Now, I'm not talking about that you gorged yourself, but when you look back you could have MAYBE skipped that last drink or bite. But it was good!

When you got home and changed clothes as soon as you unbuttoned your pants, you felt your stomach hang out a bit further then, you look, and you can look and see the waistband indention from your jeans. 

Well, damn. When did this happen?

When did one night out, or even one night in, all of a sudden have your clothes leaving indentions on your body after a meal? That's just silly, isn't it?

Well... maybe you have been enjoying life a bit too much and not paying as much attention to your diet as you should, I mean you are busy with family, career, and just life which at the end of the day all you want to do is just relax. Trust me I get it! 

It is so easy to let the days and months pass falling into a routine of taking care of others before you take care of yourself. The part that sucks, though, is that all of a sudden you're weighing a bit more than your comfortable and feeling 'fluffy' isn't very routine. 

Then it begins to hit you that your clothes don't feel very 'routine.' As you get ready for the day and put on your pants, you noticed that you had to suck in a bit harder to button them and the waist band starts digging into your waist leaving its mark and all of a sudden you just feel fat. 

Yep, this happens to EVERYONE at some point in their life. You just spend too much time taking care of others before you take care of yourself. 

You're not the only one that has done this, and it's not your fault!

Think about it, you usually do take better care of yourself, but for whatever reason, you just kept putting it off for the family events, the kids games, and just taking care of day to day life. 

Now you feel like you have to make a change.

You remember how to workout, but things just don't feel the same anymore, and you wish that you could just have someone tell you what to do so that you can finally stop playing the "what pants will fit today" game.

If you can relate to ANY of that, I may have a solution for you...

What Is The 28-Day Challenge All About?
When it comes to results, we've got the perfect formula for you to look and feel your best without boring cardio or over-restrictive diets.

Metabolic Strength Training

During these 28 days we write out a custom workout plan that is based around your body, your ability and your goals. We will modify things as needed, if we find that you have some physical limitations or movement impingements, we will always be striving to coach you on what you need to be doing and working on next to continue to get the results that you deserve.

4-Weeks of Incredible (Dietician Approved) Meal Plans 

You can’t out train a bad diet. Any training program that doesn’t come with a nutrition component will fail, that’s why we built you a nutritional framework that’s flexible and fits your lifestyle. No more “rabbit food” diets. We understand that sometimes you just need someone to show you how or tell you what to do, this is were we have you covered. No need to think, just do what's on the piece of paper and the results will take care of them selves.

37-Page Recipe Book

Dieting can be boring, we know it, so let us show you how we combat the dreaded 'rabbit' food broccoli brown rice and chicken breast diet (yuck!) We made sure to include a 37-PAGE recipe book that includes GREAT TASTING foods from: smoothies and protein shakes, sea food and soups, beef and chicken, plus so much more! After this you will discover that dieting does NOT have to be boring. 

Weekly Grocery Lists

White bread or wheat? Brown rice or white? Sweet potatoes or yams? What is even the difference!? Too many questions that leave you in the grocery store isle wondering what you need to get while studying food labels. We've all been there, that's we made sure to include a weekly grocery list of 'trainer approved' foods that will leave no guess work on your part. For once you can just get in and out of the store with confidence knowing that what you have is going to get you those results in next 28 days.

Complete Success Manual

Have you ever just wanted an instruction manual built just for you? Telling you what YOU need to do to get the results that you want? Here you go! Our success manual will cover EVERYTHING from: blood sugars, hormones, macros, water, supplements, etc... other words we cover everything that could hinder or help your results. We made sure to leave no stone unturned. This is great for those that just want to know how this 'transformation' thing really works and want to continue to know even more.

28 Daily Inspirational Emails

Some days are harder than others. Making a health and fitness lifestyle change isn't always going to be easy, if it was, you wouldn't be here. We know, we've been there too. That's why we make sure to include some of our best and most inspirational pieces that keep us going when the day is hard. Some days you just need to be reminded that you are on the right path and success is right around the corner.

Accountability Checks

Get expert coaching from Coach Bobby and with the support of others who are just like you. Leadership and accountability could be the missing ingredient you need to make this time count. There is a reason our clients are so successful because we do extensive results and accountability checks. We will know when you've been sneaking in Oreo cookies or missing workouts, when you know that you can't get away with it all of a sudden results happen because we WILL be checking your measurements, results begin to happen.
28-Day Challenge Special Offer
Only 10 Spots
Time Left To Register
What Is The Fee For This Challenge?
Your fee is 1 payment of $297 $97, (space is limited, this program fills up fast) and what's great about the challenge is if you are not satisfied for whatever reason you can request a full refund within the 28-days.
Who Is The Challenge For?
Any fitness level can participate in this challenge. Our trainers will modify YOUR program to YOUR specific needs, even if you have prior injuries. Some have specific dietary needs, some have 100 pounds to lose.
What if I have another trip or vacation planned?
Life happens, and travel happens whether it's for work, family, or anything, and that's perfectly cool! 

You will NOT lose that time that you're gone, instead, we just make it up when you get back. THOUGH we will send you workouts to do on your own to keep you 'somewhat' in check
What If I Have A Rotating Schedule?
We get it, life happens and maybe its more than just your work schedule changing weekly, this is no problem. Just be sure to let us know and we will sit down with our calendars and plug you in when its works for both of our schedules. 
What is The Nutrition Plan Like?
As long as you don't have any medical dietary limitations (Crohn's disease for example) we will design a meal plan for you based on your goals, your schedule, and your ability. 

We will find out what you can comfortably do and work from there. This can range from focusing on helping you just mastering one healthy meal at a time OR we can get on you on a calorie or macro rotation based plan if you're ready for that. 
Is Your Gym Like Crossfit?
Crossfit is a sport and if your interest is that then you are going to have better success at a Crossfit box. 

We are more of a Transformation Center, meaning people come to us with a specific problem and specific goals. We design a program that gets them from where they are to where they want to be. 

Crossfit builds you around the workouts we build the workouts around you.

What Are The Workouts Like?
We focus on movement quality, strength and lots of activity with little rest. Don't worry the workout is customized to YOUR ability, so each person has their OWN individually designed program made for THEIR body and THEIR particular needs
28-Day Challenge Special Offer
Enter your information below and we will get in contact with you to see if this program is your best fit.
Only 10 Spots
Spots Filling Fast
Location: 723 North 77 Sunshine Strip

We have Select Openings:

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri. 
5:15am - 5 spot
9:00am - 5 spot

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri.
6:00pm - 5 spot

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Disclaimer: The offer described on this page is valid only for those that have NOT participated in any of TFW's short term programs, or trials, in the past 90 days.
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