28 Day Transformation Challenge
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28 Day Challenge
You will be registered for the Training For Warriors Harlingen training course which includes: Metabolic strength training, weekly meal plans, 37 page recipe book, weekly grocery lists, success manual, daily inspirational emails, and accountability!

"The only thing that kept me from buying the Training For Warriors Program was not knowing about it sooner! After my first week I knew this is where I belonged and what I had been missing. To those who are hesitant about joining Training For Warriors, I would say it is normal to be afraid of change or something new. However, if you take this first step out of your comfort zone and give yourself a chance, you will not regret it! The TFW program is like nothing else I've ever done. All you need to do is show up, do your best, and trust the process!" -Eddie Stewart
"Before joining Training For Warriors, I struggled with managing stress, maintaining mental health, low energy, and my clothes fitting tight. I've lost inches, gained strength, found my smile again, and fit into my clothes comfortably. The most valuable gain is my new family and support system. The TFW familia is an indescribable and powerful phenomenon that you can not find in any gym. I love that our workouts have a purpose and are backed by research. I've learned that I can lift heavier and sprint faster than I ever thought possible. If I were to train on my own or in a gym, I would never push through my mental blocks and limitations."- Melanie Munoz
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$97 ($200 Off)

ONE TIME OFFER: Completely Done-for-You Travel Workouts! Included are 20 of our BEST boot camp workouts made “travel” friendly…. so you can literally do them ANYWHERE! -Most workouts are 100% body-weight exercises so they won’t need any equipment -You can can do these IN any hotel room -There are a handful of workouts with weights in case your hotel has a small gym or weight room. Only $15

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